Archived Webinar: Deaf Interpreter Curriculum–A Panel Discussion (original date 1/5/15)
This workshop is offered for 0.1 CEUs or ACET credits in the Content Area of Professional Studies and has an Instruction Level of None.
Archive Viewing:
It is possible to earn RID CEUs when viewing the archived webinar WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF THE ORIGINAL WEBINAR DATE (i.e. through April 5, 2015). There is a $10 fee for this service.
Here are the instructions:
1. PRIOR to viewing the recording, please complete the online PINRA application form.
2. On the PINRA form, in the Activity Name field, please note: Webinar Recording Viewing.
3. After viewing the recorded webinar, email Bonnie Kaplan of the Northeastern University Regional Interpreter Education Center (NURIEC) to let her know you’ve completed the viewing. Her email address is
4. You will receive two links: One to a post-test to complete after viewing and another to an evaluation form.
5. Complete the Evaluation Form and a secure online payment form for the $10 processing fee.
6. Bonnie will send you a confirmation or follow up with you, if needed.
Any questions regarding this process should be directed to Bonnie at
Archive Materials:
Summary: Join us for a lively discussion among a panel of Deaf Interpreter (DI) trainers on the content and promise of the newly unveiled DI Curriculum. The panelists discuss the rationale for a distinctive curriculum for preparing Deaf interpreters; plans for implementation; and where you can find information that will help you take advantage of this resource.
Participants: Moderated by Cynthia Napier, the panel will include Jennifer Briggs, Rayni Plaster, and Keven Poore
Audience: Deaf Interpreters, interpreting educators, program administrators, and others interested in accessing instructional content to train Deaf Interpreters.
This webinar is offered for 0.1 CEUs or ACET credits in the Content Area of Professional Studies and has an Instruction Level of Teaching.